Keep Transit On Track – Calgary’s Future
Calgary desperately needs work on the Green Line to begin today – and it needs to be the full Green Line, not a version that short changes this city’s residents. Read and share our full post on this critical issue here.
By Deborah Wong
June 11, 2021. • 3 min. read

Calgary needs the Green Line.
These are tough times for our city. Record numbers of our residents are out of work, and the Province continues to make massive cuts to services and institutions we hold dear. This is not what we were promised. It’s hard to blame anyone for feeling pessimistic about what’s to come.
But this doesn’t have to be the end of the line for Calgary.
We’ve fallen on hard times in the past. What got us through was our ability to look past the hardships of today and envision the possibility of tomorrow. We can do it again.
The money that Calgary sends up to Edmonton, needs to come back to our city to fund projects that create good jobs. Projects that give our residents hope for the future. Projects like the Green Line.
Jason Kenney is asking Calgary to build a ‘business case’ for the Green Line. How is the fact that it will create an estimated 20,000 jobs not enough for the UCP?
The province has also made a suspicious omission from their proposal of the station north of the river.
Calgary desperately needs work on the Green Line to begin today–and it needs to be the full Green Line, not a version that short changes this city’s residents.
Calgary is a city we should be proud of–but saying no to the Green Line is saying that you don’t believe Calgary can be even better tomorrow. We know that’s not true.
We’re so close to the finish line. We can’t stop now.
Calgarians are eager to get back to work and to support our local economy. The Green Line would give them those opportunities–not just now, but well into the future.
Young people in our city are questioning if they have a future here. The Green Line would help give them peace of mind that Calgary is a place where they can grow roots.
Residents of our city’s core are wondering when the heart of Calgary will begin to pump again. The Green Line would get the economic blood flowing.
Each time our leaders decided to take half-measures on transit just to save a quick buck, it only cost us in the long run. On the other hand, you’d be hard-pressed to find a Calgarian who would argue that Ralph Klein’s fight for the LRT in the 80s was the wrong choice for our city.
Calgary isn’t a lost cause. So why are our leaders acting like it is?
We need leaders in City Hall who are willing to invest in our future and fight for the Green Line. Leaders who are willing to stand up to Kenney’s short-sighted cuts and demand our city gets its fair share. Leaders who are willing to believe that our city’s best days are yet to come.
We know we’re not alone in believing that we can do better. Join our fight to save the Green Line by sending an email to your councillor and MLA in just a few clicks at
This is our chance to get Calgary, and the Green Line, back on track—we need your help to do it.
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