A Better Budget for 2022

In 2021, we helped elect strong community leaders that we believe in. In 2022, we turned our focus to holding those leaders accountable. On November 25 Calgary City Council approved a new four-year budget. We’re happy to have helped amplify the voices of Calgarians to ensure funding for priority issues like affordable housing, better jobs, and community services.

May 10, 2023. • 2 min. read

In 2021, we helped elect strong community leaders that we believe in. In 2022, we turned our focus to holding those leaders accountable. The 2022 municipal budget was a perfect opportunity for this. 

What’s the deal with the City Budget?

Every four years, Calgary City Council drafts a budget for the election term. They hold public hearings and consultations, and in November they finalize the budget. This budget serves as a roadmap for the term, and it’s revisited each November to make adjustments as necessary. 

Municipalities can’t plan to run a deficitso these budgets really matter! 

Why did Calgary’s Future run a Better Budget campaign?

We wanted to make sure the voices of Calgarians were reflected in the new budget, so we went straight to the community. The response we received was extraordinary.

In the spring of 2022, more than five thousand Calgarians responded to our Better Budget Survey and engaged in community consultations to tell us what’s important. Based on your input, we came up with this list of Better Budget policy recommendations: 

  1. Make our city more affordable (housing, childcare, etc.)
  2. Create good, well-paying, and resilient jobs
  3. Take action for Truth and Reconciliation 
  4. Introduce new sources of revenue 
  5. Invest in climate action for a liveable future
  6. Strengthen the City’s community consultation process 
  7. Expand and invest in public spaces 

These policy recommendations were detailed in our Better Budget Report. Click here to view a PDF of that report now. 

What did Calgary’s Future do with the Better Budget report?

In the fall of 2022, thousands more Calgarians signed on to support a Better Budget. Along with our report, these signatures were delivered to City Council at the budget hearing in November. 

We were blown away by how many community members showed up to speak at City Council in support of a Better Budget and other amazing community initiatives. 

The result? With your support, we helped ensure that the 2022 municipal budget included investments in important issues that Calgarians care about. We’re proud to work with Calgarians to make our city better!

Who’s Reframe?

A bonus highlight of our Better Budget campaign was the introduction of Reframe, our new community liaison. Want to know why we love Reframe so much? Check out this video of Reframe talking to Calgarians about a Better Budget! 

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