Take Action

Together, let’s get Calgary City Council to reconsider their vote before budget discussions take place this November. If hundreds of concerned voters sign this petition, we can get our elected officials to keep Calgary accessible and commit to funding the Low-Income Transit Pass. 

More Actions

Tell City Council: Fund Calgary’s Low-Income Transit Pass

If our City Councillors receive hundreds of emails from concerned voters, we can get them to reconsider their decision and commit to a long-term plan for Calgary’s Low-Income Transit Pass. We’ve already drafted the email for you, so all you have to do is fill out the form on this page and hit send. Don’t wait – email your City Council now to keep Calgary’s Low Income Transit Pass available to everyone who needs it.

Save the Green Line

Calgary’s Green Line is at risk! We need the provincial government to step up and make sure this critical piece of infrastructure gets built. Will you help tell them why it’s so important? Send an email now!

Keep Calgary free from party politics

Email your MLA to stop municipal political parties now!

Sign the petition to repeal Bill 18 now

With Bill 18, Danielle Smith is blocking critical funding that could help fix Calgary’s housing crisis. Sign the petition now to tell Danielle Smith: Stop playing games with Calgary’s funding!

Keep Calgary schools safe

Help stop an extremist school board takeover! Sign up now to support progressive school board candidates and keep Calgary schools safe and inclusive. Sign now!

Let’s stop the sprawl

City Hall’s current plan of endless sprawl isn’t going to work. It’s time we start working with what we have. Sign if you want to end sprawl in Calgary.

Help shape Calgary’s Future

Sign up now to get updates about how you can get involved and help make our city better.