Tell City Council: Fund Calgary’s Low-Income Transit Pass

This summer, City Council voted against critical funding for Calgary’s Low-Income Transit Pass. It’s up to us to make sure this critical program is available to the people who need it.

Many of our neighbours today are forced into impossible choices, such as whether to pay for gas or food. The low-income transit pass provides critical relief for people whose resources are stretched. 

With the mobility that a transit pass provides, people are better equipped to fulfil their responsibilities, connect with their communities  and live their lives. They are empowered to seek and maintain education and employment without relying so heavily on social assistance programs. Not only that, making transit accessible helps employers access the workforce they need to keep our local economy competitive. 

The low-income transit pass program is not expensive, yet it has a positive impact on our communities that is beyond measure. While we seem to have plenty of money for a new arena, our leaders are apparently unwilling to support the members of our community who really need it. 

The provincial government cancelled their share of funding for the low-income transit pass program too. That’s why it’s even more important for Calgary City Council to step up and lead by example.

If our City Councillors receive hundreds of emails from concerned voters, we can get them to reconsider their decision and commit to a long-term plan for Calgary’s Low-Income Transit Pass. We’ve already drafted the email for you, so all you have to do is fill out the form on this page and hit send.

Don’t wait – email your City Council now to keep Calgary’s Low Income Transit Pass available to everyone who needs it.