Who killed the Green Line?

September 23, 2024. • 3 min. read

The Green Line will make Calgary more accessible, create new jobs, encourage residential and commercial development, and attract new businesses and economic investment. But the UCP would rather pick political fights than help our city thrive. 

It’s up to us to let them know how important this project is. Send an email now to tell our elected officials to build the Green Line or repay what they’ve cost Calgarians.

We were so close to finally making the Green Line a reality. After more than a decade of planning and investment, the City of Calgary had broken ground on the largest infrastructure project in our city’s history.

We even had support from the provincial government. On August 1st, UCP Transportation Minister Devin Dreeshen told the CBC that his $1.53 billion promise to help fund the Green Line was “100-per-cent” secure

But just a month later, without warning, the UCP went back on their promise and pulled provincial funding, killing the project. 


The reason couldn’t be more petty. Danielle Smith and the UCP are politicizing the Green Line to take a swing at NDP leader Naheed Nenshi. Nenshi is the political figure most closely associated with the project. 

During his time as Mayor of Calgary, Nenshi fought long and hard to make this critical piece of infrastructure a reality. And so did you. Over the past five years, Cagalrians sent thousands of emails and signed many petitions to push this project forward. 

Now, the UCP is burning taxpayer money to settle petty political scores. Calgary already has well over two billion taxpayer dollars invested in the Green Line. Now, that money’s going up in smoke.  

The moral of the story? Calgary residents are losing out big time. 

A cancelled Green Line means Calgary’s public transit system can’t possibly meet the needs of our city today, let alone the 100,000 more Calgarians we’re expected to welcome by 2029. It also means that contractors are walking away from the project and may not return for future projects. And, as mentioned earlier, killing the Green Line puts more than two billion Calgary taxpayer dollars down the drain

The UCP’s petty politicking is costing Calgarians enormously. Will you help tell our elected officials how grossly unacceptable this is?

Together, let’s use our voices to save the Green Line. 

Send an email right now to let your MLA, Calgary and Area MLAs, City Councillors, the Minister of Transportation, and Premier Danielle Smith know how important it is to get the Green Line built or to repay what they’ve cost Calgarians.

We’ve already drafted the email, so all you have to do is enter your info and hit send. Send an email now!

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